
Updated: 24th May 2018

If at any time you are concerned or have questions about how we might be handling your data, please reach out to our Data Protection Officer at

Respoke Limited (“SPOKE”, "We", “Us” and “Our”) remain fully committed to the protection of your privacy at all times. The information contained in this policy has been published to inform you of the way in which any Personal Data (as defined below) you provide us with or we collect from you will be used. Please read this information carefully so that you  understand how we treat such Personal Data. We will collect, store, use and disclose Personal Data in accordance with all applicable laws relating to the protection of Personal Data.

The information we collect and how we use it

In order to fulfil your order and any future customer service requests, we need to know certain personal data collected at time of order. The information we hold will consist of but not be limited to the following: Title; Name; Address; Mailing Preference flags such as ‘Do not mail’; Products purchased from us in the past, including their cost; Telephone number, if offered to us (this will only be used for matters relating to your order); Email address; Where we believe you heard about us from. Credit card details are encrypted after data entry and are not stored on our systems after use.  We do not collect any Special Category Data (sensitive data) such as race, religion, biometrics or health data. It is our policy that your information is private and confidential. Accordingly, the personal information you provide to us is stored in a secure location, and is accessible only by designated staff. We also collect data because it is necessary for the pursuit of our legitimate interests. Our legitimate interests are set out below:

  • Direct Marketing
  • Understanding our customers’ wishes and shopping preferences
  • Improving our service and our products

How we use your information for Direct Marketing & how to manage your marketing preferences

1) Marketing by us, Respoke Ltd. When you choose not to opt out of 1st party marketing, we may collect your email address, name and order details so that we can tailor our communications with you and send you relevant offers and news via email or, sometimes, by posting you our latest catalogue. If at any time you wish to opt out of receiving  our catalogues and/or emails, email us at or modify your marketing preferences at any time using the My Settings section of your account, which you can find here: We also advertise on digital platforms, such as Facebook, Google and Twitter. We use these platforms to reach you and people like you with relevant, targeted offers and updates from Spoke. To turn off targeted ads on any of these platforms, please see the individual privacy settings for each.

2) Marketing by other companies We work with Epsilon Abacus (registered as Epsilon International UK Ltd), a company that manages the Abacus Alliance on behalf of UK retailers. The participating retailers are active in clothing, collectibles, food & wine, gardening, gadgets & entertainment, health & beauty, household goods, and home interiors categories. They share information on what their customers buy. Epsilon Abacus analyses this pooled information to help retailers understand consumers’ wider buying patterns. From this information, retailers can tailor their communications, sending people suitable offers that should be of interest to them, based on what they like to buy. If you do not wish to have your order data with us included in this alliance, you can opt out of 3rd party marketing at any time using the My Settings section of your account, which you can find here: Please note that either Epsilon Abacus may transfer data outside the EEA. The transfer will take place in the presence of appropriate safeguards, including standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Commission. If you would like to stop all unsolicited postal communications, we suggest that you register with the Mailing Preference Service (MPS). MPS is a free service set up in 1983 and funded by the direct mail industry to enable consumers to have their names and home addresses in the UK removed from lists used by the industry. It is actively supported by the Royal Mail and all directly involved trade associations and fully supported by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). For more information, or if you wish to register with the MPS, please visit their website at

How we use your information to understand our customers’ wishes and shopping preferences

Our communications are designed to tell you about the benefits we can offer so that you have access to our best deals. We use the information we have about you to tailor the content and try to ensure that the offers are as relevant to you as possible. Under the Data Protection Legislation, this might qualify as profiling. If you do not wish us to use your data for this purpose, please email us at

How we use your information to improve our service and our products

We use Zendesk for customer service, which means that, if you raise a customer service ticket with us or return any item, we store your contact and order details in Zendesk. This data is archived after 120 days and this archive is cleared every 24 months. If at any time you wish this information to be removed, erased or not used in any such way, please make this clear in the feedback you provide us with, or email us at We may, from time to time, send you a quick survey about your experiences with us or more broadly about your shopping behaviour. We store this information against your profile so we can better understand our customers and use this insight to improve our service and products.

Data Processors

We work with the following data processors in order to carry out our marketing activities. From time to time we may use other legally compliant data processors as required. These processors will hold data for no longer than is required to complete the analysis before securely deleting it. All data is only accessible to select, authorised individuals. 

Wufoo: When you reply to any survey we send, including customer feedback, your responses are stored along with your email address in our survey tool, Wufoo. This enables us to understand how to improve our service and products. Your responses are deleted from Wufoo 24 months after your last order. 

Klaviyo: We also append this data to the profile we keep for you in our email tool, Klaviyo. This enables us to tailor our communications with you. We delete your Klaviyo profile 24 months after the last time you opened an email from us, or the last time you visited our website (, whichever is later. Your Klaviyo profile also includes your age if you provide it, your sizing information, how you found our website, and information about your orders with us, but does not include your shipping or billing address.

RJ Metrics: We also transfer order data to RJ Metrics, our reporting and analytics platform for business performance reporting and analysis. We use this data for as long as is necessary to support our customer service relationship with you, which can be up to seven years, or until you exercise your right to deletion as described below in the YOUR RIGHTS section.

Torque: To process each of your orders, we send your order data to our fulfilment partner, Torque. In order to process returns and other customer service requests, Torque holds your order data securely and deletes it 24 months after the order has been fulfilled.

Shopify Inc: They host our store. To manage your order and any future customer service requests, we collect and store the details you provide at the point of booking. They provide us with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your order data is stored in Shopify’s data storage, databases and the general Shopify application. They store your data on a secure server behind a firewall.

JPS Print Consultants Ltd: They receive your name, address and mailing preference details so they can mail out our catalogues for us through Royal Mail and any other recognised mail carrier. Data is shared via secure file transfer protocol and is not stored here for longer than is required to complete the printing process. If you opt out of receiving catalogues by returning your catalogue to the address printed on its reverse, JPS processes your address and stores it in a password-protected file in cloud storage to which we have access, so we can ensure your marketing preferences are updated.

Epsilon Abacus (registered as Epsilon International UK Ltd): They receive your  name, address, mailing preferences and purchase history for the purpose of sharing in the Abacus Alliance. For more information on how Epsilon Abacus use the data, see above.

More2 Ltd: They receive your name, address, mailing preferences and purchase history for the purpose of managing our relationship with data providers, such as Epsilon Abacus.

Driftrock Ltd: They receive your email address, marketing preferences and purchase history for the purpose of profiling and audience selection on Facebook.

Facebook: If you do not wish to see targeted ads on Facebook, you can update your preferences on Facebook by clicking on the Ads section within Settings on Facebook. Facebook matches email address, marketing preferences and purchase history for the purpose of audience selection for our advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.


Google AdWords: They match your email address, marketing preferences and purchase history for the purpose of audience selection for our advertising campaigns on Google Search and Display Networks. For information on how Google ensures GDPR and other data protection law compliance, see here: Twitter: They match your email address, marketing preferences and purchase history for the purpose of audience selection for our advertising campaigns on Twitter.

 How long we keep your data

To serve our customers in the best possible manner and to continue to inform you about new products and services, we retain customer data for seven years after the last purchase date, or until you exercise your right to deletion as described below in the YOUR RIGHTS section.

Your Rights

You retain at all times the right to access or amend or delete any Personal Data we hold about you or to exercise your right of data portability or to object to, or restrict, the purposes for which your Personal Data is processed on certain grounds. You may also modify your marketing preferences at any time using the My Settings section of your account, found here: You may exercise this right by making a request in accordance with Data Protection Laws, by emailing You may also lodge a complaint with the UK data protection regulator, the Information Commissioner, should you be dissatisfied with the way we handle your Personal Data.

You have the right to ask us what personal data we hold about you.

If at any time you wish to exercise this right, you can email us at To protect your privacy and security we may need to verify your identity before sharing this information.

You have the right to ask us to update or amend any out-of-date or incorrect data.

If at any time you wish to amend your data, you can email us at To protect your privacy and security we may need to verify your identity before making amendments. If you wish to update your marketing preferences at any time, you can do so via My Account here:

You have the right to ask us to delete the data we hold about you.

If at any time you wish to exercise this right you can email us at To protect your privacy and security we may need to verify your identity before deleting your data.


We will seek to act in the best interests of our customers and will not abuse our position of data controller. We wish to be as clear and transparent as possible and uphold any requests for data disclosure or amendment as soon as possible. Due to the nature of data and catalogue printing, when an amendment is made to data it may take up to six weeks for it to become effective, although we will do everything possible to ensure this time delay is kept to a minimum.

Disclosure of your information

We never disclose your information except in accordance with this Policy and with all applicable laws relating to the protection of Personal Data, including the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, the EU ePrivacy Directive 2002/58/EC as amended by Directive 2009/136/EC, as amended or superseded from time to time, and any national implementing legislation (“Data Protection Laws”).

Credit Card Security

We take the security of our customers’ data very seriously and this includes credit card information. On our website at checkout, you are taken to a secure page and should always see a closed padlock beside the URL address or at the top/bottom of your browser window. If you choose a direct payment gateway to complete your purchase, then Shopify stores your credit card data. It is encrypted through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Your purchase transaction data is stored only for as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction. After that is complete, your purchase transaction information is deleted.All direct payment gateways adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers. To learn more, you may also want to read Shopify’s Terms of Service or Privacy Statement.


Here is a list of cookies that we use. We’ve listed them here so you that you can choose if you want to opt out of cookies or not.


Unique token per website visit Persistent for 30 minutes from your last visit to our website, this allows Shopify to store information about your website visit for marketing analytics (how you found the website, on which page you arrived, etc).


No data held Persistent for 30 minutes from your last visit to our website, this is used by our website provider’s internal stats tracker to record the number of visits.


No data held Expiring at midnight the following day (relative to the visitor), this is used by our website provider’s internal stats tracker to record the number of visits per unique visitor.

cart Unique token

Persistent for 2 weeks from when you add an item to your online cart, this stores  information about the contents of your cart.


Unique token per website visit Persistent for 30 minutes from your last visit to our website, this allows Shopify to store information about your website visit for marketing analytics (how you found the website, on which page you arrived, etc).


Unique token Persisting indefinitely, this allows  us to check whether you have an account you can use to log in to the store.

DotomiUser, DotomiNet, DotomiStatus, rt_NNNN, DotomiRRNNNN, DotomiSession_NNNN

We may use the services of third parties to collect and use anonymous information about your visits to and interactions with our website through the use of technologies such as cookies to personalise advertisements for goods and services. To learn more, or to opt out of receiving online display advertisements tailored to your interests by our third-party partners, visit the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance at


We may use technologies, such as our own cookies, to provide you with personalised online display advertising tailored to your interests.  To opt out of our cookies used for this online advertising, click here.


This allows us to store your fit preferences and make it easier to navigate through our available products.

We use this cookie to prevent from showing our “Join our mailing list” popup window once you’ve decided to not see more than once.

We use this cookie to store your fit finder results and display those results in a lightbox once you’ve completed the fit finder process. This cookie is removed as soon as you leave the Fit finder results page or dismiss the popup window.


This cookie help us identify you current and previous url that you navigated to. We can then facilitate a link in the page to go back to the previous page without having to click on the “back” button in the browser.


We want to monitor the behaviour of the customer in our checkout step process to help improve the usability. Is for this reason we use this cookie when a customer has started the checkout process.


Once the checkout process is complete, we store this cookie to help us understand when a customer has completed the checkout process and ordered a product. We use these metrics to help improve the overall experience of our customers.


The first time a customer lands in out website, we display a welcome flash message. Once a customer has decided to dismiss this message we store a cookie to make sure this flash message doesn’t appear again.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

If at any time we make a change to this policy, we will update this page to reflect such change. We may email you to notify you of changes but recommend you check this page periodically to ensure you remain happy with the latest version.

Questions, Comments and Getting in Touch

We welcome any questions or comments in relation to this privacy policy, and advise you to send any such communication to

We use cookies to personalise content, analyse website performance and for advertising purposes. Privacy and cookie policy

We use cookies to optimise our on-site experience. Find out more

We use cookies. Find out more